Some pointers..
100-200ft;(stand still) Some beginners use to hold the arm around the disc and use a short pull and don´t pull the disc straight. When doing so the disc will not get any speed and will drop faster to the ground because it has no balance and no air to get under the disc at slow speeds.(with only spin it won´t fly far)
200-300ft;(slow walk) On their way to progress they use a straighter pull so the disc will get a higher speed and more glide.
300-400ft;(quite fast x-step) They start working on the grip so the disc will get more spin so the disc will hold itself longer up in the air and fly faster.
400-500ft;(fast and controled x-step) They have figured the most things out and they are pulling the disc on a straighter line before release and they have gotten an almost perfect grip and they have a good weight transfer.
600-800+ft(quite fast runup and a very fast but very well controled 360 turnaround )They have figured out everything they need to know and gotten very good on throwing explosive throws and using all parts of the body to generate speed and power.
World Sunlight Map
Om mig
- Chrille
- Likes to play discgolf in my spare time, a member of HDGK.Is a very active discgolfer in the summer. To be sponsored and travel around the world and play discgolf is my biggest dream.
måndag 20 december 2010
söndag 31 oktober 2010
torsdag 21 oktober 2010
Har testat ESP-NUKE nu ett tag och den är nog den disc som jag har slängt längst med hittills. Den håller linjen väldigt bra och den svänger höger lite senare än andra discar så den kommer nästan inte tillbaks så mycket på slutet. Ska träna upp mig nu i vinter och försöka bygga upp mer längd tills nästa år.
lördag 13 mars 2010
fredag 12 mars 2010
Distance 3
Distance part 2
Vi går vidare till anhyzer kastet.När man utför anhyzer kastet och vill ha ett så långt kast som möjligt så är det bästa att ha en sidvind beroende på om man är högerhänt eller vänsterhänt som korsar discens flygväg från höger till vänster om man är vänsterhänt och kastar backhand, och från vänster till höger om man är högerhänt och kastar backhand.
Det blir så att discen glider ut på vinden och får mer fart av att vinden trycker discen framåt åt sidan och att discen glider ut längre så att man får ett längre kast.
Distance part 1
När man ska börja lära sig att kasta långt så är det bra att börja lära sig att kasta discen plan mot marken om man inte har lärt sig det tidigare.När man kastar discen helt plan mot marken så blir det väldigt lågt motstånd för discen när den skär genom luften/vinden och den håller också farten längre när detta utförs på korrekt sätt under rätt omständigheter där vädret har stor betydelse.
När man kastar discen plan mot marken så är det stor chans att den går ditt du vill att den ska och den flyger nog också hyfsat rakt under flygfärden.
onsdag 10 mars 2010
470 feet /// 143.25 meter
måndag 8 mars 2010
torsdag 25 februari 2010
Here are some movies I would prefer people to watch if they are stuck with their short drives and can´t improve.
If you watch these videos you will get a good idea on how to get as close as possible to the perfect throw.
fredag 15 januari 2010
A little info on "The Throw" + "Distance"
\\\///" THE THROW "\\\///###Throw with a smooth and simple form###
In the beginning the wrist snap i think is most important to learn.After that you should build up a good form and train on giving the disc the right angle at the release.After that you should work on the grip to get the smoothest release and then work on the balance in the form so the disc really gets all you put on it.So long you have a good snap the disc will hold the speed longer because it will cut through the air faster with more spin.But if you would give the disc little spin then it would slow down faster because it would cut through the air slower and drop to the ground faster.
The best and most accurate drives comes from a smooth and simple form.You do not need to throw as hard as you can to throw the disc.The best executed throws are made with a simple and smooth form.
///\\\" DISTANCE "///\\\####A disc is meant to fly as far as you can throw it.####
This will maybe sound weird but to get most distance you need to have spin which gives speed and then you need a good line which gives the disc a surten turn, and then you also need to get a good disc with a surten stability that should work great to the line and then you need to work on the flow to get maximum spin which gives SPEEEEEEEEEEEED>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
those that not know what spin does I will explain now.
In the end of the throw your wrist snaps and the disc gets spin which will make the disc to cut through the wind much longer so the disc will hold the speed much longer.
If you don`t get much spin then the wind will slow it down and the disc will drop to the ground.
In the end of the throw your wrist snaps and the disc gets spin which will make the disc to cut through the wind much longer so the disc will hold the speed much longer.
If you don`t get much spin then the wind will slow it down and the disc will drop to the ground.
Try to copy something from the top players forms to put to your form wich will improve your distance and remember to practise it alot to gain distance faster.
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